Friday, July 11, 2008

4th of July - at our house

I've been a little behind technology... so thought I'd finally start "blogging" to keep in touch with friends and family. We just had our annual 4th of july gathering. It was a "blast", in more ways than one.... Lots of fireworks, water fun, games, food, people, tractor rides, kareokeeing and FUN. We have tried every year to invite at least 2-3 new families to the area. They might be people in the neighborhood, work or church. It has always been an OPEN invitation, where those invited can bring their friends or family if they choose. We actually had more children come this year than years past. Billy brought a "moon walk" kind of blow up toy, that turned out to be ant infested... so, better luck next year. Thomas, Steven and Andrew Smith helped me build a teeter totter. It was "our project" that we had lots of fun doing. The teeter totter was the request of Adam's kids. When I visted Adam for his graduation, I told the kids I was trying to add some type of play equipment to my backyard and that was thier idea - and it turned out to be a good hit. John hung a huge tire swing just a couple of days before the party and that was a lot of fun too. We enjoyed jumping from the trampoline to the pool... or should I say the kids did... Adam tested his "new heart" a few times by trying to jump from the tramp to the pool and playing ultimate frizbee with the group. The water balloon fight was hardly painless. Adam had this grand idea to have everyone "buddy-up" to try and prevent each other from getting hurt. Actually it was a good idea, in theory - it's just that his buddy - Ryann - got the first HURT... She stayed in the game - just like a trooper, but pretty much used Adam as a shield the remainder of the game. Someone on my team caught their legs around my ankles and as my body headed toward the ground I heard about 20 bones popping... I recovered... but felt like I had been run over by a truck the next couple of days. Adam said to me, "Mom, you really need to start acting older." Hmmmm... Monica, Dan, Michael and Kimberly arrived the 3rd. Monica made the BEST brisket for dinner. I still need to ask her how she seasoned it, cause it was WONDERFUL! Kimberly is sooooo tall, such a beautiful young lady. It does seem strange to see Michael DRIVING! What a handsome young man he is! It was GREAT to see cousins getting better acquainted and get to spend time together. Andrew Smith and Ryann Crossett really hit it off and played super together. We built a fort (inside the house) the night Ryann arrived and that was the premiere place to sleep for the two of them. I think Thomas Smith slept in the fort a couple nights too. Andrew's favorite word that Grandma loves to hear is, "That's awesome." (So easy to please) The grandkids and I went fishing nearby and that was a lot of fun. It happened to be one of those times where as soon as your line hit the water... the fish was there!... Nothing too big..but hey... it was a fish and lots of fun to reel in. The trip home from fishing allowed for a quick drive thru the local snow cone stand.... Steven and Rayce were a good combination too. This was Rayce's first time to Oklahoma but he seemed to really enjoy getting to know his cousins also. Very good kid! And I know I wouldn't have gotten all that needed to be done before the 4th if the Smith boys hadn't helped me out so much. Steven had such a great attitude and was incredibly helpful. They helped out an elderly lady (recent widow) that lives in our neighborhood several times. They watered her yard, took the newspaper to her and cheerfully delivered several meals to her. It really was delightful to see them help her out like they did. One evening, Thomas, Andrew and I rode the lawnmower to her house (with the trailor in tow) and delivered a book and watered her grass. Thomas thought it was pretty cool since he was able to drive the lawnmower on the "road" back to the house.


Heidi C. said...

I am so excited you guys have a blog. It is nice to catch up with you and your family. I hope you post some more. Congrats to John. He is such a great wrestler.
We sure miss you guys.

Heidi C. said...

Tag your it! Jeanie, you have been tagged by me. Look forward to hearing from you. See our blog for more info on being tagged.